
To contribute to Django Suit fork Django Suit on github and clone it locally:

git clone -b v2 suit
cd suit

DEV environment

After you forked and cloned repository I suggest you create virtual environment using virtualenv. Feel free to use other virtualenv layout, but here is mine:

# In cloned suit directory create virtualenv
virtualenv env

# Activate virtualenv
source env/bin/activate

# Install Django Suit in editable mode
pip install -e .

# Install dev and demo app requirements
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -r demo/requirements.txt

# Run Django Suit demo app
python demo/ runserver

SASS compiling

SASS compiling is done in nodejs using gulp tasks and node-sass (uses libsass). Gulp tasks are watching .scss and .html files and automatically reload browser on changes, making development much easier.

# Install dependencies
npm install
bower install

# Run Django Suit demo app
python demo/ runserver

# Run gulp tasks and it should automatically open http://localhost:8001/.
# If it didn't, open it manually.


Compile docs:

# Compile docs
make -C docs html

# Clean & compile
make -C docs clean html